Charnwood Country 16b

Charnwood Country 16b xsmlThis boiler stove has a large output to both the room and the boiler. Features include the Cleanburn “airwash” system using preheated air for combustion purposes which ensures clean glass and reduced carbon emissions.




Charnwood Country 16 B

Fuel:                    Wood

Heat Output:       2 – 8 kW, Nominal 7.3 kW

                             8.6kW to the boiler = 7 radiators

Features:            Colours:   Black, Blue, Brown, Green Almond, Bronze, Gunmetal & Pewter.

                            Optional Multi-fuel version

                             (2-8 kW 6.4 kW, Boiler 13.2 kW = 10 radiators)

                              Optional Low Canopy

                               High Efficiency @ 75 %

                               DEFRA Approved

Standard Sizes:   H 750 mm x W 616 mm x D 460 mm

Flue Diameter:   150mm

Standard Weight: 180 Kg

Maximum Log Length: 400mm

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